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  • Creation entirely made by hand.

    Handcrafted leather and Bronzite bracelet.

    Bronzite stone is known to bring inner peace and gently resolve all physical or emotional blockages. Delivered from these blocking situations, everyone can regain control of their life and regain the lucidity necessary for any decision. This stone also gives us courage to achieve the goals we have set for ourselves. It also inspires courtesy, by teaching everyone to respect themselves to become less selfish. If we are subjected to a heavy workload, it can give us the strength and the energy to take on an exhausting effort.


    It has many therapeutic qualities. It gives us a feeling of well-being and happiness. For emotional people, who are too irritable, it allows them to find serenity and inner peace, thanks to the simple fact of wearing bronzite jewelry (pendants or bracelets). The stone also promotes the outbursts of sociability, and helps us to tend towards a feeling of tenderness and conciliation. It frees us from nuisances such as stress and psychological trauma. This natural material helps us to fight against negative thoughts, in order to overcome the blocking elements of our life, in a perspective of personal reconstruction. It brings to everyone the discernment necessary to be able to regain control of oneself. At the level of karma, it corresponds to the chakras of the heart and the solar Plexus. His favorite astrological signs are Taurus, Libra and Gemini. It carries positive emotions: well-being, tenderness, gentleness. It soothes anger, and helps keep your cool in the most stressful situations. If it is placed on the Solar Plexus, it can allow a peaceful reconciliation between two friends. Put on the heart, it promotes an opening of the heart and helps to love your neighbor. Effective against states of sadness, it frees people from psychological stress linked to trauma, blurring the impact of memories. Whether worn as a pendant, bracelet, or used in rolled or rough stone, the stone needs to be purified and recharged so that it can bring you its benefits again. Indeed, after some time, the bronzite stone will have exhausted all the energy it contained, and will have to find natural energies. Do not hesitate to clean it regularly in distilled and salted water. Then, it will need to be recharged by exposing it to the sun for 6 to 12 hours on a heap of quartz. It is very important to purify and recharge a stone when you have used it, to eliminate the old vibrations.


    On the medical level, the beneficial effects of the bronzite stone are numerous. It is effective in fighting acidity and stomach aches. Acting as a regulatory stone, it manages to stabilize the functions of the liver, as well as menstruation cycles, and hormonal secretions. It is often used to improve blood circulation. It is also used in case of skin disorders, such as pimples, rashes. Thanks to its analgesic qualities, it relieves cramps and prevents their return, by having a softening action on the muscles, and by facilitating their blood supply. It can also soothe prostate problems for men. It promotes good blood circulation and has a preventive effect on varicose veins. It improves strength in the lower limbs. More generally, the bronzite stone fights against premature aging and protects the skin from dehydration. With its tint with bronze accents, it will bring you an important natural benefit, in case of physical or psychological problems, by rebalancing your chakras. It therefore has a power of improvement concerning many everyday ailments and constitutes a natural alternative to the physical problems mentioned above, in addition of course to an adapted drug treatment. It is not intended to supplant traditional medicine but to supplement it, by relieving certain physical pains and by soothing psychological suffering.

    Leather and bronzite stone bracelet

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